For the visitors who want to learn and see it all, we offer the Mount Sinai Theater where you'll watch the well-documented movie showing the real Mount Sinai, the Rock from which the water flowed at Rephidim, Elijah's Cave, and the site where the golden calf once stood.
In Numbers Chapter 33, 42 campsites are recorded, where the Children of Israel camped during their Wilderness Journey from Egypt to Canaan. Highlights from the Israelites miraculous experiences in the Wilderness are displayed in these exhibits. From the hellish copper mines at Dophkah (where the Egyptians kept their political prisoners) to the amazing Rock which Moses struck to bring forth enough water for 2,000,000 people; you'll be amazed at the details of Israel's Wilderness experiences and encounters with God. |
Water Rock
Ever wondered what the real rock looked like that Moses struck and water came out? See it in our Mount Sinai Theater presentation.
The 42 camp site experiences of the Children of Israel are carefully recorded. They faced giants, toxic water, lack of food, and much more...
Golden Calf
The golden calf was melted down, as the Bible says. But the altar stones still stand... See them in our Mount Sinai Theater presentation.